Trade crypto peer-to-peer.

No trading fees. No KYC.

DCRDEX is a decentralized exchange built
by the Decred Project.

DCRDEX is available in Decrediton or as a standalone application

v0.6 is now released!

Follow these steps to verify that the files you download are legitimate and have not been modified.

A better way to trade.

Your coins always remain in your custody so nobody can steal them. Trades complete via atomic swaps. No vaults, no utility tokens, no nonsense.
No need to verify your ID or even be human, anyone or thing can trade.
Trade as much or as little as you want, nobody profits from your activity but you.
Our matching algorithms prevent any trader from gaining an advantage and ripping you off. It's a level playing field.
Assets can be added by any developer. We don't choose winners and losers. The software is entirely open source. Anyone can run it. Anyone can host a market on their own server.

How to Get Started

For the standalone DCRDEX application, dexc, the latest release can always be found on GitHub. Download and extract the archive for your system, and from a command prompt in the extracted folder, run dexc. Open the displayed URL in the web browser of your choice.

Alternatively, launch DEX from within Decrediton, Decred's full-featured GUI wallet.

Detailed setup instructions are available on the wiki.

With DCRDEX opened in a browser or Decrediton, set a new "application password." Do not forget it!

Tip: Before moving on, retrieve the application "seed" from the settings page and store it in a safe place. This is used to restore wallets and accounts created by the DEX application. Click on the DCRDEX logo to resume setup.

Choose a server and you will be guided through setup of your wallets.

There are native (built-in to dexc) wallets for both Decred and Bitcoin. You may also use your own Electrum wallet for Bitcoin and Litecoin. For DOGE, ZEC, and BCH, use their full node wallets (e.g. dogecoind, zcashd, etc.).

For the native wallets, just click "Create!".

You can access the Wallets page at any time.

Once your wallets are synchronized, you will be prompted to submit a one-time fee before placing orders. This is a small amount just to discourage disruptive behavior.

The application will inform you how much is required in your new wallet to register. But deposit as much as you like to your wallet since only the required amount will be spent, and the remaining will be ready for trading. Deposits must confirm before proceeding. Then click "Register!" to proceed.
To place an order, fill out the price, the lot quantity, and submit it. Stay online and keep everything running until the trade settles.